When social infrastructure fails, people take things into their own hands.

Vigilantes come in all forms — in some cases, they’re real-life superheroes, patrolling the streets in tight-fitting costumes in order to rid the world of bad guys. In other cases, they fill niches that don’t yet exist in government, such as this Florida man who has allegedly appointed himself head of the “Booty Patrol.”

In a post shared to Facebook, Florida’s DeSoto County Sheriff's Office claims that someone is roaming the streets in a pickup truck labeled “Booty Patrol.”

“The DeSoto County Sheriff's Office is reaching out to raise awareness about a vehicle equipped with red and blue lights that has been impersonating law enforcement,” the Sheriff’s Office wrote. “If you or anyone you know has been pulled over by this suspicious vehicle or has any information related to these incidents, please do not hesitate to reach out to the DeSoto County Sheriff's Office Criminal Investigative Division.”

The police gave no indication as to what this man does once he allegedly pulls people over — though I think I’ve found his perfect criminal.

As it turns out, this Florida man may not be the only person on the Booty Patrol’s self-appointed force. Their Booty Patrol car appears to have been previously spotted in San Antonio, and other Booty Patrol cars have been reported all over the United States. One man was even interviewed on the San Diego news for his truck that read simply “Thot Patrol.”

The owner of the “Thot Patrol” car also appears to own another vehicle promoting “Simp Prevention.” A man of culture, this guy.

So if you’re a driver in Florida, be on the lookout for the Booty Patrol — they might be on your tail in every sense of the word.